Drawokio: Dream of the Daring Doodle was a videogame developed for the classes 3D Game Design and Development I and 3D Game Design and Development II. This project was created over the course of 8 months with a total of seven peeople including myself. The other team members include Matthew Ferrara, Alec Makert, Benjamin Pease, Jerry Pendleton, Marlee Redmann, and Dylan Tepp.
In Drawokio, you play as a child's forgotten doodle. You have been seperated from your fellow doodles that have been scanned into a computer by your creator's parent. Your main goal is to travel across the home office owned by this parent and make your way to the computer to be reunited with your fellow drawings. Along the way you are encouraged to explore and discover with the help of your magical art tools and power to shift between 2d and 3d worlds
The ending to Drawokio was one of my contributions to the project. Many of items and events that you encounter in the world have an effect on the ending of the game. To develop these dynamic endings, I created a movie for each object in Maya and layered each of these files on top of oneanother on planes in Unity. If the Player encounders a particular item, that item's layer is turned on and the video file plays. The full ending with all of the items in the game discovered can be seen below.
Drew the doodle is the main character in Drawokio. I was responsible for rigging and animating this character.